Real Men should not be Afraid to Cry

Anushree Bose
3 min readNov 7, 2020
A man trying to hide his tears outside the home’s doorway
Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

There is absolutely nothing wrong if a man cries. Crying is after all a part of nature. How else can we represent our emotions? According to anti-women philosophers and thinkers, It’s okay for a woman to cry as she is considered weak physically and emotionally; so much so that these days the tears of women are considered nothing but “dramatic”. So we have fallen to this level that even tears have turned corrupt.

Break the Taboo of a Strong and Rough Definition of Masculinity

Coming back to the situation where men are considered less of men if they cry. Due to society’s conditioning and the image of the ideal man the concept of homosexuality was hidden for a prolonging time. It was a taboo back then. A homophobic man that too emotional one is sure to inherit other feminine features as well. Why? Laughing and crying are the most demonstrative features of nature, isn’t it?

Men who try to stop themselves from crying are in no way proving themselves to be more healthy, stable, and good looking! On the contrary, such men turn into aggressive, cold, and less sentimental.

“Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before–more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.”

Charles Dickens

Be it, man or woman, a cry baby is not appreciated. A person who is always miserable and cries are encouraged to stand for themselves. Meanwhile, that by no way means that women feel repulsive by the sight of a man bursting into tears due to some cause. Believe me, no smart and understanding women would do that! Obviously, some women who think too highly of themselves in every matter are out of context in as they entertain their own thoughts only.

Hiding Your emotions is more dangerous than being Forever “Firm Gripped”

There are people who have carried on this act of being tough so much so that, they have lost their capabilities to cry. These kinds of people find it difficult to connect and associate with people. This has affected their health mentally and physically. Most of them drink, swear, abuse their wives and kids and dominate a feudal nature in society and family. Instead, had they been taught that a man can be vulnerable and capable from time to time, then it would be a whole different story.

The Heart of an Introvert Man Choked behind the Strong Dark Glasses of Masculinity

Introverts have a tender heart and Introverted men are obviously no different. Nevertheless, they carry a lot of memories, unrequited ordeals, and pain in their heart They find it hard to open up to people in general. That is utterly pitiful, personally, I find it very hard to stay normal when someone is weeping. It’s important to comfort a person no matter what!

It’s not easy of course, for real men who are not afraid to cry fearing the social stigma. The concept in itself is meaningless! Let’s take the example of a pet dog. A dog is forever loyal to his master and in every circumstance, it helps and loves his master. So tell me, how can a man keep himself all puffed up and cool when that pet dies? He has raised his dog just like a child, so it’s inhumane for a person to stop himself from expressing his emotions.

Crying is catharsis, it is a purgation that purifies your soul and makes you a better person. Tears have helped in creating an itinerant bond that helps two people in a better understanding of each other. Being vulnerable cannot be helped all the time, the toughest people also break loose and submit to the cycle of nature.



Anushree Bose

I have found peace in writing my heart out and if that affects even 1% of the world, then I am more than privileged!